The rooms of the Hotel Duomo host artistic works by the master Livio Orazio Valentini who also took care of the lighting of the rooms: each lamp with some mosaic details, to remind the precious mosaic decorations of the Duomo.
The individual rooms bear the name of the artists who worked on the construction of the Cathedral of Orvieto: Arnolfo di Cambio, Nicola Pisano, Fra Bevignate, Duccio di Boninsegna, Pietro di Puccio, Lorenzo Maitani, Andrea Pisano, Ugolino di Prete Ilario, Lippo Memmi, Simone Mosca, Ippolito Scalza, Antonio da Sangallo, Ugolino di Vieri, Gentile da Fabriano, Andrea Orcagna, Emilio Greco, Beato Angelico.